The Road To Hard Work

The hardest thing about writing is “breaking in”. The main point I’m gathering from my reading on the subject is that it’s more like chip-chip-chipping at the door rather than fetching an axe – Shawshank over Shining.

In that vein, some excellent comment on these issues from the British industry:

Lucy V on how to get read – including querying anyone and everyone, and making your own works.

BBC writersroom on their role as the “interface” between writers and the industry. Bottom line: be patient and persistent.

Phill Barron’s #scriptchat on agents is also worth a read (if you can navigate the transcript – I advise searching the thing for “phillbarron” to skip to the relevant bits) and introduced me to, where one can find work – paid and lo/no fee.

And How to Hustle from Michelle Lipton – the guide to getting work, which basically involves putting in the effort to be seen and to be known.

All before you land the gigs actually writing the damn things.

About Rosie Claverton

Screenwriter and novelist. London interloper. Consumer of tea.

Posted on February 9, 2011, in Writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.
